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Signs You Need To See An Optometrist

Optometrists are eye experts. They can help you maintain healthy eyes and give you the power to optimize your vision. While some people regularly visit their optometrist for a checkup, others are not so consistent. Eye trouble may not always be easy to recognize. In fact, many surprising symptoms might warrant a trip to the optometrist. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you should schedule an appointment with your optometrist to learn more.

See the Optometrist If You Are Squinting

This one may seem obvious, but squinting is not always something you notice at first. If you work at a computer all day, then looking far away may not be a regular activity for you. You may only notice a problem when you are at meetings. Some people start to notice the problem when they are driving. If you have to squint to see traffic signs in the distance, then that may be a telltale sign that your vision could use some correction. Since such activities may only happen from time to time, it can take some people quite some time to realize they are squinting regularly.

Make an Appointment with the Optometrist If You Hold Your Book Far Away

Another way to tell if you need an appointment at the optometrist is to check your reading habits. If you read frequently, where are you holding your book? If you are starting to keep your book farther and farther away, then it may be a sign of vision trouble. This problem can also be manifested at the computer. You may start pushing your chair farther back to get the screen in focus. This kind of habit can start slowly, which can make it hard to tell when there is a change. However, it is an excellent reason to talk to your optometrist today.

You May Need to Visit the Optometrist If You Have Headaches

Everyone gets headaches from time to time, but if you start to develop regular pain in the head, then you should consider an optometrist. Vision strain can lead to headaches, which can become worse over the day. Usually, these headaches are not severe, and they tend to develop slowly as the day goes on. Chronic headaches should always be investigated, but your optometrist might be able to fix the problem before you visit the doctor. You might need glasses or a new prescription to get your eyes back into focus and reduce your vision strain. If the headaches do not resolve after correcting your vision, be sure to follow up with your doctor.

Call For an Optometrist Visit If It Has Been More Than a Year

Frankly, your eyes should be checked regularly. Most people know that they need to visit their family doctor once a year, but they often neglect their eyes. If you have not been to the optometrist in more than a year, then it is probably time to get your eyes checked. Eye problems can be hard to see without a proper examination. Moreover, vision problems can get progressively worse. This means you may not notice problems until they are advanced and this can be prevented with regular optometry checkups.

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